Double hookup on baby G's

Double hookup on baby G's

Double hookup of baby GT's. These little guys were everywhere today, and very aggressive!

Posts: 826

Date Joined: 26/05/07

What type of plastics are they?

Sun, 2007-09-30 18:38

Good double headers, Jay! Must be like plague proportions out there. Wish our Skippy's are in plague proportions and at that size too.

My reels screaming zzzzzzz.... awwww damn it, its another boat!

All the best for the future fishing trips.
Cheers.... Jangles

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

yeah mate they were

Sun, 2007-09-30 18:58

yeah mate they were everywhere inhaled everything we threw at them, bit of a pain when trying to get demersal fish though!

Jay Burgess
[email protected]